
Mundwerks Wedding Menu

4,98 (32)
25 - 100 persons
Mundwerks Wedding Menu

The menu is prepared by Bo T.

4,98 (32)
6 menus
Member since 2023
Bo T.
Bo T.

The menu is prepared by Bo T.

Member since 2023


Lad Mundwerk stand for your wedding and find time to be with your guests without worries and have the party you have dreamed of!

“We tailor your wedding and value communication and dialogue highly, so you can have your event exactly as you dream of and executed professionally”

Mundwerk is an event company that exclusively organizes events and private dinings – large and small. Our professional chefs love to experiment with seasonal ingredients, while we also love classic flavors and virtues. Our introduction to a good event always starts with a discussion about your wishes and then we send a concrete proposal – made precisely for you.

Our kitchen is free of dogma and we love challenges and different requests, as well as the classic ones. We are all former restaurant chefs who have acquired a taste for this part of the industry. Therefore, we ensure you a completely private “restaurant experience”, in your own premises whether it is a tent in the garden, an old barn or a fashionable rented venue. Anything is possible!

Aside from the food, Mundwerk can handle your entire event and assist with everything from waiters, flowers, table settings, place cards, service, beverages, ice cubes, bar solutions, etc. We take pride in making your day easier, so you can focus on your guests.

Check our Instagram @mundwerk_cph to get an impression of what we do :)
Send a message to the chef if you have any questions or for inspiration for your event.


  • The chef arrives at the agreed address 1 hour before mealtime unless otherwise agreed.
  • We will only charge your card 14 days before the dinner.
  • In case of cancellation, your refund will be determined based on our cancellation policy.
Always Communicate Through ChefMe
To protect your home and your dinner, always communicate and pay through ChefMe. Learn more about our security.
Kitchen requirements
  • Oven
  • Refrigerator and freezer
  • Heaters
Meet Bo T.
Member since 2023
Response time: 18 timer
Response rate: 100 %
Bo T.
Hej - Thank you for watching :)

My name is Bo Hansen and I have been cooking professionally for the last almost 20 years. Worked my way up through the hierarchies in various kitchens, the last many as head chef and later owner of my own business Mundwerk cph.

I have many years of restaurant experience, but chose to change direction a bit and Mundwerk cph is my platform for this; Working with food in many different ways, for many different occasions and not allowing myself to be limited.

Mundwerk cph specializes in catering for parties - Large weddings, smaller private dinings, casual corporate events, birthdays, confirmations, christenings, company days and everything in between. We love to tailor solutions and menus to our guests' and customers' needs.

You are always welcome to write about inquiries regarding this or that - we make each case something special and look forward to cooking for you :)
View Bo T.'s profile

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Hvad hvis jeg ikke har planlagt eventet endnu?
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Hvornår skal jeg senest booke en kok?
Vi anbefaler, at du tidligst muligt reserverer din dato ved at sende en anmodning til kokken, især for weekender og i perioder med højtider eller fejringer.
Skal du bruge en kok med kort varsel, eller er kokken ikke ledig på din valgte dato, så fortvivl ikke! Vores kundeservice sidder klar til at assistere med at finde en kok. Ring til os på 93 40 40 10 eller skriv til os på
Hvad sker der, når jeg sender en anmodning til kokken?
Når du sender en anmodning til en kok, opretter du samtidig en profil, så du vil blive adviseret, når kokken har sendt et svar på anmodningen. Du vil få adgang til en beskedtråd, hvor du til hver en tid kan skrive til kokken og aftale nærmere.
Kan jeg ændre på kokkens menu?
Du kan vælge at tage udgangspunkt i en af kokkenes menuer eller få skræddersyet en menu lige til dine smagsløg.
Er du mere til fisk end kød? Eller foretrækker du kage frem for is til dessert? Send en anmodning til kokken og del dine ønsker, så I kan sammensætte en menu, der passer til dig og dit selskab. Kokken har derudover også mulighed for at lave alternative menuer baseret på allergier samt børnemenuer.
Medbringer kokken alt, hvad der skal bruges?
Du vil kunne se længere oppe på siden, hvad kokken har af krav til dit køkken, samt hvad kokken har mulighed for at medbringe. Er du i tvivl, kan du spørge kokken, når du har sendt en anmodning.
Hvad skal jeg selv stå for, når jeg booker en kok?
Kokken står får både indkøb, madlavning, servering og oprydning i køkkenet. Derfor skal du blot stå for at dække bord, drikkevarer (medmindre du har tilkøb vinmenu eller lign.) og nyde tiden med dine gæster om bordet.

Customer reviews

4,98 32 reviews
Overall rating
Peter R.
20. oktober 2024
Had Bo come and cook for 24 people. We had chosen an Italian theme and the food was just perfect. It was like being in Italy. Bo was fantastic. Talked to all our guests and presented the food continuously along the way. It was 100% safe to leave the kitchen to Bo. Huge praise to Bo. Thank you for making my day unforgettable.
Line K.
27. august 2024
We used Mundwerk for our garden wedding, where together with Bo, we created exactly the menu we wanted, with his extensive knowledge. All our guests thought the food tasted absolutely fantastic, the chefs who came out were sweet, smiling, and everything both tasted and looked very delicious. We chose a sharing dinner and it worked perfectly! This is not the last time I book food with Mundwerk :)
Andreas B.
7. august 2024
Bo served at our wedding (22 people), and we were completely blown away. It's always exciting when you book online without prior knowledge, but Bo called us and we discussed the menu and details before booking, and already here we felt both heard and understood. On the day itself, Bo arrived on time as agreed and was in a great mood. While he was in the kitchen, he also had the time to chat with our guests, both big and small. He was fantastic with the kids, and they even got to help a little, which they thought was super cool. The food was very delicious, and there was plenty of it, we can only send our very best recommendations to Bo!
Kelly B.
5. august 2024
Had visit from Bo and William who cooked for 54 guests. Everything was perfect right from the first call about the date and menu to the actual day. Communication was top-notch, even during a summer holiday with closed office. The food was fantastic and there was plenty of it. Great idea with a mix of both portion servings and sharing. Special diets were taken into consideration. Bo and William were extremely professional and left a clean kitchen. Can definitely recommend and will certainly use again...!