Arabic social dining menu.
5,00 (2)
3 servings
10 - 100 persons

The menu is prepared by Mike H.
5,00 (2)
Elite chef
5 menus
Member since 2019

The menu is crafted as A journey through the Middle Eastern taste universe, perfect for sharing and enjoying.
I have created each dish to be shared and enjoyed together. The scent of spices, fresh vegetables, and warm bread creates an informal, cozy atmosphere that feels like sitting at the table in a friend's home. It's a menu where conversations flow and food connects – an experience that makes the taste buds do a belly dance and the memories last long after the last bite.
I have created each dish to be shared and enjoyed together. The scent of spices, fresh vegetables, and warm bread creates an informal, cozy atmosphere that feels like sitting at the table in a friend's home. It's a menu where conversations flow and food connects – an experience that makes the taste buds do a belly dance and the memories last long after the last bite.
Menu - 3 servings
2 kinds of Hummus
Foul (Lebanese bean dish)
Baba ganoush (aubergine dip)
Sahen khudra: Plate with tomato, cucumber, spring onion & mint
Labneh (Arabic fresh cheese)
Rakakat bi Jebne (crispy Lebanese cheese rolls)
chili (like at the kebab shop)
Arabic bread
Kabuli palaw (Afghan rice)
Tabouleh (Lebanese salad)
Makanek (Lebanese beef sausage)
Kabob koobideh (Iranian beef kebab)
Baklava and fruit
Send a message to the chef if you have any questions or for inspiration for your event.
Chef's Choices
The chef offers the following additional options, which can be added to your request.
- The chef arrives at the agreed address 1 hour before mealtime unless otherwise agreed.
- We will only charge your card 14 days before the dinner.
- In case of cancellation, your refund will be determined based on our cancellation policy.
Always Communicate Through ChefMe
To protect your home and your dinner, always communicate and pay through ChefMe. Learn more about our security.
Mike H. is an Elite Chef
Elite chefs on ChefMe are chefs who respond quickly and maintain a high standard over a longer period.
Kitchen requirements
- Oven
- Heaters
- Pander
- Gry
The chef can bring
Tell the chef if there are any of the following things you want brought along.
- Tallerkener

Why choose an event with me and ChefMe?
For many years, I have had the pleasure of working with gourmet and Michelin food at various restaurants both in Denmark and abroad, and it's something I am truly passionate about. But the idea of bringing that experience into people's homes and creating an atmosphere with personal settings is exactly what makes me love cooking. It is the joy and experience in the guests' eyes that has always been my greatest passion.
For the sake of convenience – and as inspiration – I have created some different menus that you can browse. However, I always find it exciting to develop a unique menu tailored to your and your guests' wishes and preferences, so the experience becomes entirely personal.
I am trained in the classic French and Nordic kitchens, but my experience working in Greece has also given me a deep love for the Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern cuisine. With my background from both bistro and Michelin kitchens, only imagination sets the limits for the menu and event you can get if you book me.
I look forward to creating a unique culinary experience with you in your surroundings.
Best regards,
For many years, I have had the pleasure of working with gourmet and Michelin food at various restaurants both in Denmark and abroad, and it's something I am truly passionate about. But the idea of bringing that experience into people's homes and creating an atmosphere with personal settings is exactly what makes me love cooking. It is the joy and experience in the guests' eyes that has always been my greatest passion.
For the sake of convenience – and as inspiration – I have created some different menus that you can browse. However, I always find it exciting to develop a unique menu tailored to your and your guests' wishes and preferences, so the experience becomes entirely personal.
I am trained in the classic French and Nordic kitchens, but my experience working in Greece has also given me a deep love for the Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern cuisine. With my background from both bistro and Michelin kitchens, only imagination sets the limits for the menu and event you can get if you book me.
I look forward to creating a unique culinary experience with you in your surroundings.
Best regards,
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Ændre i menuen og antal serveringer
Ændre i antallet af gæster, allergier og børnemenuer
Skrive til kokken for at tale om menuen og middagen
Hvornår skal jeg senest booke en kok?
Vi anbefaler, at du tidligst muligt reserverer din dato ved at sende en anmodning til kokken, især for weekender og i perioder med højtider eller fejringer.
Skal du bruge en kok med kort varsel, eller er kokken ikke ledig på din valgte dato, så fortvivl ikke! Vores kundeservice sidder klar til at assistere med at finde en kok. Ring til os på 93 40 40 10 eller skriv til os på
Hvad sker der, når jeg sender en anmodning til kokken?
Når du sender en anmodning til en kok, opretter du samtidig en profil, så du vil blive adviseret, når kokken har sendt et svar på anmodningen. Du vil få adgang til en beskedtråd, hvor du til hver en tid kan skrive til kokken og aftale nærmere.
Kan jeg ændre på kokkens menu?
Du kan vælge at tage udgangspunkt i en af kokkenes menuer eller få skræddersyet en menu lige til dine smagsløg.
Er du mere til fisk end kød? Eller foretrækker du kage frem for is til dessert? Send en anmodning til kokken og del dine ønsker, så I kan sammensætte en menu, der passer til dig og dit selskab. Kokken har derudover også mulighed for at lave alternative menuer baseret på allergier samt børnemenuer.
Medbringer kokken alt, hvad der skal bruges?
Du vil kunne se længere oppe på siden, hvad kokken har af krav til dit køkken, samt hvad kokken har mulighed for at medbringe. Er du i tvivl, kan du spørge kokken, når du har sendt en anmodning.
Hvad skal jeg selv stå for, når jeg booker en kok?
Kokken står får både indkøb, madlavning, servering og oprydning i køkkenet. Derfor skal du blot stå for at dække bord, drikkevarer (medmindre du har tilkøb vinmenu eller lign.) og nyde tiden med dine gæster om bordet.
Customer reviews
5,00 • 2 reviews
Overall rating
Dorthe K.
28. maj 2022
Kokken Mike (from Ølstykke) was responsible for the food
Daniel M.
København Sv
17. august 2020
Mike ensured good food and good company. Mike made sure that the guests at our dinner party had a lovely evening, serving some delicious dishes with his girlfriend and providing entertainment both while serving and during pleasant chat in the kitchen.