The coziest menu
5 servings
1 - 15 persons

The menu is prepared by Giuseppe D.
2 menus
Member since 2024

This menu is composed of four dishes. There is one pasta dish, one risotto dish (both with either meat, fish, veggie options), a main course, and a dessert. The menu also includes sourdough focaccia/bread and butter. It can be customized for any circumstance and any specific requirement. More dishes can be added (such as amuse-bouche and pre-desserts), and different ingredients and preparations can be substituted and improved to accommodate any client's taste and wish. It is a menu that can easily adapt and evolve. But what will never change about this menu is the passion and the pleasure put in it when making it, the quality, and the good taste of the food. It's a perfect menu if you want a cozy and lovely dinner with friends or with your partner. The food is simple and extremely tasty. It is designed to be the kind of food that accompanies you throughout the evening without being bulky, pretentious, or invasive. It is food for your brain, soul, and gut without being cerebral.
I hope you can enjoy it as much as I enjoy cooking it
I hope you can enjoy it as much as I enjoy cooking it
Menu - 5 servings
Green peas risotto with fresh peas, halibut, speck
Lasagnetta with ragú, bechamel and parsley oil
Main course
Oksecoulotte, hvidløgstegte kartofler, spinat, gazpacho sauce, auberginecreme.
Lemongrass ice cream, white chocolate foam, kiwi brunoise, crumble, black pepper
Sourdough focaccia/bread with butter
Send a message to the chef if you have any questions or for inspiration for your event.
- The chef arrives at the agreed address 1 hour before mealtime unless otherwise agreed.
- We will only charge your card 14 days before the dinner.
- In case of cancellation, your refund will be determined based on our cancellation policy.
Always Communicate Through ChefMe
To protect your home and your dinner, always communicate and pay through ChefMe. Learn more about our security.
Kitchen requirements
- Oven
- Refrigerator and freezer
- Heaters
- Microwave
- Gry

My name is Giuseppe De Gennaro and I am an Italian cook with more than 8 years of professional cooking experience. My background includes fine dining, fast casual, bistro, catering and bakery establishments around the world. Initially I have attended one year kitchen course and then started my culinary journey in Italy learning the base of the Italian cuisine. Then I moved abroad in order to expand my horizons and learn new ways to envision and cook food. I moved to Copenhagen first, then New Zealand and Australia where I was able to experience different types of cuisines and work in several environments developing a strong sense of duty and adaptability. Afterwards, wanting to improve my knowledge and skills, I completed my Master of Applied Gastronomy: Culinary Arts at the University of Gastronomic Sciences. Additionally, the exposure to fermentation science led me to discover a strong passion for baking and baked goods, from pastry and viennoiserie to sourdough bread. I am passionate about modernizing classic Italian pastries and dishes of my childhood and sharing them with a new audience in Copenhagen. Several work and living experiences abroad taught me to adapt to different work environments and to develop an open-minded approach.
I am looking forward to cooking some genuine and good food for you, or preparing an extremely fulfilling buffet for your parties and events.
I am looking forward to cooking some genuine and good food for you, or preparing an extremely fulfilling buffet for your parties and events.
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Skal du bruge en kok med kort varsel, eller er kokken ikke ledig på din valgte dato, så fortvivl ikke! Vores kundeservice sidder klar til at assistere med at finde en kok. Ring til os på 93 40 40 10 eller skriv til os på
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Kan jeg ændre på kokkens menu?
Du kan vælge at tage udgangspunkt i en af kokkenes menuer eller få skræddersyet en menu lige til dine smagsløg.
Er du mere til fisk end kød? Eller foretrækker du kage frem for is til dessert? Send en anmodning til kokken og del dine ønsker, så I kan sammensætte en menu, der passer til dig og dit selskab. Kokken har derudover også mulighed for at lave alternative menuer baseret på allergier samt børnemenuer.
Medbringer kokken alt, hvad der skal bruges?
Du vil kunne se længere oppe på siden, hvad kokken har af krav til dit køkken, samt hvad kokken har mulighed for at medbringe. Er du i tvivl, kan du spørge kokken, når du har sendt en anmodning.
Hvad skal jeg selv stå for, når jeg booker en kok?
Kokken står får både indkøb, madlavning, servering og oprydning i køkkenet. Derfor skal du blot stå for at dække bord, drikkevarer (medmindre du har tilkøb vinmenu eller lign.) og nyde tiden med dine gæster om bordet.