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Christoffer ?.

Christoffer ?.

Christoffer ?.

Michelin-starred chef | Classic with a modern twist

Icon Prices from 400 kr. per envelope and a min. order value of 1900 kr.

Icon3 Menus

IconLive in København S

About the chef

details Member since 2016

I'm 38 years old and have been around in many different kinds of kitchens, both at home and abroad.
My background in gastronomy is French, with a slight flair for modern cuisine. I love to cook for others and emphasize good clean flavors and a little play with the classic.

My food is based on what I think tastes good and I draw inspiration from world cuisines - from South America to the cold north of Scandinavia. The ingredients must be in season, where they are at their best!

Response rate: 100% 

Icon Response rate indicates the percentage of requests received that the chef responds to.

Response time: Within an hour 

Icon Response time is the average number of hours it takes to receive a response from the chef.


Clarion Hotel, Souschef
Tapasbaren, Chef
Skt. Petri, Souschef
Bjørnekælderen, SouschefBib Gourmand
Restaurant Søren K, Chef traineeBib Gourmand
Saison, Chef trainee2 Stars MICHELIN
Coor Kantiner, Kitchen chef

Chef's choice

The chef offers the following options that can be added to your request.

Skal i bede om østers til jeres fest, så sørger jeg for det. Om det skal være helt klassisk eller en anden slags kan vi finde ud a...

75 kr. per person

Hvis i gerne vil have en xtra servering af ost ind i menuen, så fikser jeg det - og det blir med passende garniturer i form af noget s...

100 kr. per person

Send a message to the chef if you have any questions or to get inspiration for your event.


  • The chef arrives at the agreed address 1-hour prior to the dinner time, unless otherwise agreed.
  • We first withdraw the money 14 days prior to the dinner.
  • Upon cancellation, your refund will be determined based on our cancellation policy.

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From 400 kr. per person

review5.0 0 reviews

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No obligation - You only pay when you have accepted and confirmed the chef's menu offer.

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    Rare find - reserve your date now!

    Christoffer is usually not available this day.

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    Top-rated chefs 4.98 out of 5

    100,000+ guests are not wrong

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    Free cancellation

    Full refund up to 6 days before your party

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Write to the chef

Contact Christoffer Ö.

The chef typically answers inside Within an hour.

Christoffer ?.


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Thank you for your message!

You have contacted Christoffer Ö.

The chef typically answers inside Within an hour.

Christoffer ?.

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