
Weekend luxury

4 servings
8 - 99 persons
Weekend luxury

The menu is prepared by Louis L.

3 menus
Member since 2022
Louis L.
Louis L.

The menu is prepared by Louis L.

Member since 2022


Menu is based on freshly, sustainably caught fish. Made as a fusion of the best from several cuisines.

Menu - 4 servings

Almonds and olives Salty waffles gratinated with Vesterhavs cheese and Jamon de Iberico Croquette on confit pork with herb mayo
Ceviche of halibut with tomato juice, lime, crispy corn, melon, and chili
Main course
Pan-fried cod with salt-baked celeriac, Jerusalem artichoke purée, wild garlic, foamy mussel sauce with XO.
Crisp shortcrust pastry tart with frangipane and roasted nuts, Tahitian vanilla and salted caramel ice cream
Send a message to the chef if you have any questions or for inspiration for your event.


  • The chef arrives at the agreed address 1 hour before mealtime unless otherwise agreed.
  • We will only charge your card 14 days before the dinner.
  • In case of cancellation, your refund will be determined based on our cancellation policy.
Always Communicate Through ChefMe
To protect your home and your dinner, always communicate and pay through ChefMe. Learn more about our security.
Kitchen requirements
  • Oven
  • Refrigerator and freezer
  • Heaters
  • Pander
  • Gry
The chef can bring
Tell the chef if there are any of the following things you want brought along.
  • Gry
  • Pander
Meet Louis L.
Member since 2022
Response time: 2 timer
Response rate: 60 %
Louis L.
I am a young, happy, and energetic chef, 28 years old, who has been ambitious from the start. I started in a Michelin restaurant and have also worked in a bistro, classic French and Danish restaurant. I am familiar with Nordic cuisine and well-versed in classic French culinary techniques.
I am passionate about high-quality ingredients and believe that ingredients speak for themselves. I do not compromise on quality and take pride in respecting what I work with.
I love foraging herbs and things from the Danish nature myself, and often my menus will reflect things from Danish nature, mixed with the best vegetables, meat, and fish.
Most importantly, the guest and your experience are paramount; the food must suit the occasion, you should feel in good hands and have an extraordinary experience every time.
I will be opening my own restaurant this summer, so this is just to provide good experiences and use the time wisely until then.

I look forward to hearing from you and contributing to your fantastic evening.
View Louis L.'s profile

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Kokken står får både indkøb, madlavning, servering og oprydning i køkkenet. Derfor skal du blot stå for at dække bord, drikkevarer (medmindre du har tilkøb vinmenu eller lign.) og nyde tiden med dine gæster om bordet.