Cooking school
4,54 (14)
5 servings
4 - 15 persons

The menu is prepared by Kristoffer R.
4,54 (14)
Elite chef
3 menus
Member since 2016

Kokkeskole for en Dag – A Flavorful Experience for Everyone
Are you and your friends, colleagues, or family ready for a fun and inspiring day in the kitchen? With my "Cooking School for a Day," you get the chance to experience the joy of cooking in a whole new way – whether you are a small group or a larger team.
What can you look forward to?
A menu tailored to you: We create a 5-course menu together, with dishes adapted to your wishes and tastes.
Practical cooking: You get up close with kitchen craftsmanship and learn techniques that elevate your cooking to the next level.
Community and coziness: Whether you are friends, colleagues, or a family, the cooking school is a perfect way to share good times and create memories.
For all levels: Both beginners and experienced food enthusiasts will get something out of the day.
When does it suit you?
Cooking school for a day is ideal for:
Small groups who want to try something different and fun together.
Companies that want a unique and social activity.
Special occasions like birthdays, bachelor parties, or just a casual get-together.
Come and experience how cooking can bring people together – and have a day filled with smiles, learning, and good food. I look forward to welcoming you into the kitchen!
Are you and your friends, colleagues, or family ready for a fun and inspiring day in the kitchen? With my "Cooking School for a Day," you get the chance to experience the joy of cooking in a whole new way – whether you are a small group or a larger team.
What can you look forward to?
A menu tailored to you: We create a 5-course menu together, with dishes adapted to your wishes and tastes.
Practical cooking: You get up close with kitchen craftsmanship and learn techniques that elevate your cooking to the next level.
Community and coziness: Whether you are friends, colleagues, or a family, the cooking school is a perfect way to share good times and create memories.
For all levels: Both beginners and experienced food enthusiasts will get something out of the day.
When does it suit you?
Cooking school for a day is ideal for:
Small groups who want to try something different and fun together.
Companies that want a unique and social activity.
Special occasions like birthdays, bachelor parties, or just a casual get-together.
Come and experience how cooking can bring people together – and have a day filled with smiles, learning, and good food. I look forward to welcoming you into the kitchen!
Menu - 5 servings
We start with some snacks before dinner begins
A agreed later
Agreed upon subsequently
Main course
Aggreed upon subsequently
Agreed subsequently
Send a message to the chef if you have any questions or for inspiration for your event.
Chef's Choices
The chef offers the following additional options, which can be added to your request.
- The chef arrives at the agreed address 1 hour before mealtime unless otherwise agreed.
- We will only charge your card 14 days before the dinner.
- In case of cancellation, your refund will be determined based on our cancellation policy.
Always Communicate Through ChefMe
To protect your home and your dinner, always communicate and pay through ChefMe. Learn more about our security.
Kristoffer R. is an Elite Chef
Elite chefs on ChefMe are chefs who respond quickly and maintain a high standard over a longer period.
Kitchen requirements
The chef has no special requirements for the kitchen
The chef can bring
Tell the chef if there are any of the following things you want brought along.
- Cutlery
- Blender
- Shower
- Glass
- Gry
- Pander
- Napkins
- Tallerkener
- Chopsticks

My name is Kristoffer and I am 29 years old.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any special requests, or if you have any questions about the menus here on the site.
If I were to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose:
- Humorous
- Stable
- Reliable
I am passionate about great taste and creating the most beautiful presentation. Therefore, I also spend a lot of my time developing myself in all areas. This means I am ready for most challenges.
As mentioned, no task is too small or too difficult for us, so feel free to write if you are interested.
Best regards
Kristoffer Randrup
My name is Kristoffer and I am 29 years old.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any special requests, or if you have any questions about the menus here on the site.
If I were to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose:
- Humorous
- Stable
- Reliable
I am passionate about great taste and creating the most beautiful presentation. Therefore, I also spend a lot of my time developing myself in all areas. This means I am ready for most challenges.
As mentioned, no task is too small or too difficult for us, so feel free to write if you are interested.
Best regards
Kristoffer Randrup
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
Har du andre spørgsmål? Læs mere under Hjælp
Hvad hvis jeg ikke har planlagt eventet endnu?
Vi anbefaler at sende en anmodning, så du kan sikre dig, at kokken er tilgængelig på den valgte dato.
Efter bekræftelse vil du stadig kunne:
Ændre i menuen og antal serveringer
Ændre i antallet af gæster, allergier og børnemenuer
Skrive til kokken for at tale om menuen og middagen
Hvornår skal jeg senest booke en kok?
Vi anbefaler, at du tidligst muligt reserverer din dato ved at sende en anmodning til kokken, især for weekender og i perioder med højtider eller fejringer.
Skal du bruge en kok med kort varsel, eller er kokken ikke ledig på din valgte dato, så fortvivl ikke! Vores kundeservice sidder klar til at assistere med at finde en kok. Ring til os på 93 40 40 10 eller skriv til os på
Hvad sker der, når jeg sender en anmodning til kokken?
Når du sender en anmodning til en kok, opretter du samtidig en profil, så du vil blive adviseret, når kokken har sendt et svar på anmodningen. Du vil få adgang til en beskedtråd, hvor du til hver en tid kan skrive til kokken og aftale nærmere.
Kan jeg ændre på kokkens menu?
Du kan vælge at tage udgangspunkt i en af kokkenes menuer eller få skræddersyet en menu lige til dine smagsløg.
Er du mere til fisk end kød? Eller foretrækker du kage frem for is til dessert? Send en anmodning til kokken og del dine ønsker, så I kan sammensætte en menu, der passer til dig og dit selskab. Kokken har derudover også mulighed for at lave alternative menuer baseret på allergier samt børnemenuer.
Medbringer kokken alt, hvad der skal bruges?
Du vil kunne se længere oppe på siden, hvad kokken har af krav til dit køkken, samt hvad kokken har mulighed for at medbringe. Er du i tvivl, kan du spørge kokken, når du har sendt en anmodning.
Hvad skal jeg selv stå for, når jeg booker en kok?
Kokken står får både indkøb, madlavning, servering og oprydning i køkkenet. Derfor skal du blot stå for at dække bord, drikkevarer (medmindre du har tilkøb vinmenu eller lign.) og nyde tiden med dine gæster om bordet.
Customer reviews
4,54 • 14 reviews
Overall rating
Sten E.
20. februar 2025
Vi vil gerne melde tilbage om vores oplevelse med Kristoffer.
Han fortjener stor ros for sit engagement i vores fest.
Kristoffer var meget opmærksom på vores ønsker i tilrettelæggelsen af menu forslag.
Vi fik hurtigt fundet frem til det, vi gerne ville have.
Aftenen forløb helt perfekt.
Kristoffer og hans hjælper var omhyggelige med alt, således at vi kunne slappe fuldstændigt af under middagen.
Serveringen og maden var super god, smagfuld og spændende lige som vi havde drømt om.
Tak til Kristoffer.
5 stjerner herfra.
Kirsten S.
13. oktober 2024
Kristoffer made incredibly delightful and delicious food for us and helped create a wonderful atmosphere. The whole evening was very successful and we can highly recommend Kristoffer to other parties.
Anja H.
30. april 2024
On Sunday we contacted Chefme and the following Saturday Kristoffer visited us. He responded immediately to everything we wrote. He showed up and made really delicious food. We sat in the kitchen and ate, and Kristoffer was almost invisible. He quietly prepared all the food, presenting it really nicely with each course. We didn't stick to our schedule at all, but Kristoffer remained calm and there was no rush. It was a really good experience that we will definitely repeat again.
Jens F. J.
Odense M
25. februar 2024
Everything worked fine and the guests praised the food.