Butter beef and private dining in world class!
6 servings
10 - 100 persons

The menu is prepared by Casper Sobczyk
1 menu
Member since 2020

This menu is for you who really want a gourmet experience beyond the ordinary. I have perfected and carefully selected all ingredients so they fit the menu perfectly.
So if you want an experience at home and see how I make, as well as taste, the world-famous butter steak.
So write to me :-)
So if you want an experience at home and see how I make, as well as taste, the world-famous butter steak.
So write to me :-)
Menu - 6 servings
Oyster tasting
Lobster bisque
fennel - cod - apple
Fried foie gras
Yuzusyrup pear, pepper glaze and herbs.
Main course
Grilled salmon
Cress, citrus and kohlrabi
Main course
Butter steak
Triple-cooked fries - béarnaise sauce – tangy herb salad
Citron verbena
White chocolate mousse – soft almond cake – citrus
Send a message to the chef if you have any questions or for inspiration for your event.
Chef's Choices
The chef offers the following additional options, which can be added to your request.
- The chef arrives at the agreed address 1 hour before mealtime unless otherwise agreed.
- We will only charge your card 14 days before the dinner.
- In case of cancellation, your refund will be determined based on our cancellation policy.
Always Communicate Through ChefMe
To protect your home and your dinner, always communicate and pay through ChefMe. Learn more about our security.
Kitchen requirements
- Oven
- Refrigerator and freezer
- Heaters
- Pander
- Gry

“The entirety of the place we stand and in what you desire... that's what you get when you take me in. And then you get my energy - I really can't tone that down much.”
That's what Casper Sobczyk says, who, through his impressive career, has learned to appreciate the whole. From the food on the plate to the surroundings to the story behind it. It all comes into play when talking about a good meal.
Sobczyk's CV is out of the ordinary. You might already know him from Good Morning Denmark on TV 2 or as the inventor of the butter steak?
It was the butter steak that made Sobczyk world-famous. When he came up with the idea of wrapping a steak in two kilos of butter and then letting it mature for several months, it made headlines around the world.
Sobczyk is known, among other things, as the assistant head chef at Restaurant Alchemist, head chef at Restaurant Søren K in The Black Diamond, at Marienlyst Beach Hotel in Helsingør, and at Madkastellet in Copenhagen Zoo, including Restaurant PanPan, Restaurant Folk, and Café Botanika. In all cases with overwhelming success, where restaurant PanPan was recently voted the best family restaurant in Denmark.
The repertoire thus ranges widely from high-end to the more popular, and it is precisely this range that makes Sobczyk and his kitchen unique.
In addition to all that, Sobczyk can adorn himself with the title of author of the new cookbook 'Winter Food'. A cookbook that is based on using everything you have and reusing ingredients in a way that you don't feel like you're eating leftovers. For Casper, food waste and sustainability are important.
Casper is ambitious and authentic in his food as well as in his relationship with his guests.
“I don't compromise. I could never just buy a steak from a butcher and put it on my menu without having tasted it more than ten times.
If it's not good enough for me, it's not good enough for my guests.”
That's what Casper Sobczyk says, who, through his impressive career, has learned to appreciate the whole. From the food on the plate to the surroundings to the story behind it. It all comes into play when talking about a good meal.
Sobczyk's CV is out of the ordinary. You might already know him from Good Morning Denmark on TV 2 or as the inventor of the butter steak?
It was the butter steak that made Sobczyk world-famous. When he came up with the idea of wrapping a steak in two kilos of butter and then letting it mature for several months, it made headlines around the world.
Sobczyk is known, among other things, as the assistant head chef at Restaurant Alchemist, head chef at Restaurant Søren K in The Black Diamond, at Marienlyst Beach Hotel in Helsingør, and at Madkastellet in Copenhagen Zoo, including Restaurant PanPan, Restaurant Folk, and Café Botanika. In all cases with overwhelming success, where restaurant PanPan was recently voted the best family restaurant in Denmark.
The repertoire thus ranges widely from high-end to the more popular, and it is precisely this range that makes Sobczyk and his kitchen unique.
In addition to all that, Sobczyk can adorn himself with the title of author of the new cookbook 'Winter Food'. A cookbook that is based on using everything you have and reusing ingredients in a way that you don't feel like you're eating leftovers. For Casper, food waste and sustainability are important.
Casper is ambitious and authentic in his food as well as in his relationship with his guests.
“I don't compromise. I could never just buy a steak from a butcher and put it on my menu without having tasted it more than ten times.
If it's not good enough for me, it's not good enough for my guests.”
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